How many times have you heard a tv preacher say you are away from God? For me its been many but I want you guys to know that you’re not alone, not even in a separation from your creator. You're never as distant from him than you feel you are. I promise you that.

Last Thursday, February 13th, I went to this thing called Campaigners. Which when I first heard of this, I thought of a group of people who were setting out to fly a banner and campaign for a certain cause. I soon figured out it was a Bible study group almost like a small group.
In this group we discussed the disciples on the boat and Jesus walking on the water. What the leader, Tiffany, brought to my attention was the fact that the disciples were away from Jesus. Whether Jesus planned this or not it shows where everyone on the earth has been at one time or another. My first thought that Jesus was testing them to show them his power, but I think it goes much more personal than that into Peters life. Jesus called him to walk on the waves which I think could be interpreted as his worries and troubles of his life, and with Jesus he is able to walk over them but when he concerns himself with what he is doing and everything around him he sinks. Notice in the story it doesn’t say that he sunk into the deep ocean it says he was beginning to sink which shows me that Jesus doesn’t let you get in so bad of something that he can’t reach out and get you out of it.
You’re not separated from God so far that you don’t think you can get back to him. You never lose him, ever. He’s not something that you have to look for, its not a hide and seek game. He is always with you, just because you may not see him doesn’t mean you won’t feel him. All God is waiting on is us to give it all to him, all our problems and worries. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you will never have problems, but it means that you won’t have to go through them alone and that you always have your creator on your side.
This picture stood out to me because, look at the table near the pink plate there is a small cross. I saw it when I sat down and it brought a smile to my face, it showed me that God was going to be in all the conversations we were going to have that night even with a bunch of teenagers and some adults.
In the bible it says, “For where two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18v20
He was there and he is continually there with you. Hand the race over to him, he’s on the side lines waiting for us to give him our everything. Take the chance.