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A Church Classroom Instruction.

Writer's picture: Everyday PersisEveryday Persis

I tend to notice more at church than I ever do in a classroom even though it’s the same. Hear me out, I say It is a classroom in the sense that we are there to learn something about ourselves or the creator. In this classroom though there is no tests, only check-ups. Yes, check-ups. When you go to church you are more likely to notice what you are doing wrong in your life than if you aren’t. Not saying that if you are reading this at home and you don’t have a home church that you don’t realize what your doing wrong. It just helps you reevaluate everything, even gives you a different perceptive on everything. When Jesus enters your heart nothing stays the same, you aren’t the person you were the morning you got saved. Wanna know why? Its because that was the old you and they are dead and gone. They mean nothing to you but a testimony for you to show others how far you have come. In a classroom setting the teacher teaches a subject and then the students are quizzed on the material given, sometime not given the opportunity to voice what they think on the matter even if it is a matter of opinion. In church it isn’t like that. Church is a classroom for the broken, sinful, dirty people who are invited to eat dinner with the King, and it should stay like that. Church should not be made up of people who are broken but are truthfully of their brokenness and don’t try to hide it.

“show me where I should walk, point out the right road for me to follow.” – Psalm 25v4-5

I once heard a spoken word poet buy the name of Jefferson Bethke who said, “If grace is water than the church should be an ocean. It’s not a museum for good people it’s a hospital for the broken.” Church should be so engulfed in love that it is running over onto the people outside of the congregation.

Because the churches congregation is not just the people who sit in the pews every Sunday morning and night. It’s the people you don’t see the ones who clean the toilets, the one who dropped their kids off at the door because they are afraid to come in because of judgment that they have received from another church… what do you do then? You can’t go and get them out of their car, you can’t get them from their houses, wanna know why that would never work? Because you are trying to do it yourself, if you do that anymore, it won’t work it will fail every time. But with God, it will prosper, but you must heartfully do it for him and not just say yeah this is for him… but that does that mean to you? Does it make you question your walk with the Creator? It should. I say this because at one time or another, everyone has questioned the reality of Jesus being real. Let’s be real… I know I have. Whenever something in my life that I have wanted to happen didn’t happen, my first reaction is well I wonder if God heard me. When I mess up driving, I always repeat the phrase, “I got this.” Kind of reassuring myself that I got this. But what I should have been saying is He’s got this.

I know I get off topic in this post quite a bit and to be honest this isn’t the post that I was going to write in the first place. This is far from it. But I felt like this needed t be said, that someone needed to hear it, that you needed it. I’m not passing up another opportunity to share the message God has given me.

PS you got this, He’s behind you, take that step of faith even if it is a baby step, all it takes is a mustard seed. .



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