Last Sunday, I noticed during worship there were more middle school aged kids with their hands us than there were high school kids. I pondered in my mind why, why the younger ones had more hands up than the older ones. The other ones were supposed to be the leaders, the ones who teach them, but that night they taught me something. They taught me no matter your age, the younger generation can always teach you something, how the older ones are not always the ones who lead.
In the Bible Timothy was a young man who became a pastor.
The little boy who gave up his lunch fed 5000 men.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-geo stepped in the furnace with Jesus.
The little servant was a vessel of God for Naaman.
Joseph saved Gods people from starvation.
David shown his faith of God by killing Goliath.
All of these kids or young adults changed something in someone. Think about it. Everyone who reads their stories sees that they were young and that they accomplished great things. It sparks something in a small child that wouldn’t have been lit otherwise.
Jesus says when he is sitting on the stairs of the temple, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” And I believe that with my whole heart.
Have you ever looked at a child and seen Christ through them even if they don’t say anything? That’s what I seen Sunday night, I seen children on fire for Christ.
Now what I’m not saying is that teens have lost that fire, I’m saying they have a different way of showing it. I don’t know if it the oppression of society or maybe that’s not how they felt led to worship.
God works wonders in small moments.
In small children.
How astonishing is God?!