I have always wondered why people over the years in church has said this statement. Why be like Him? What is so special about him?

David and Goliath… a Bible story you may have been taught in children's church. If not here's the run down of it- David was a Shepard boy who took care of the flock and wrote songs to the Lord during his time spent in the fields, one day his father told him to go give food to his brothers who were fighting the Philistines. While David was there was a man, who was taller and bigger than any man you have ever seen, Goliath, challenges the Israelites. Even though he was daunting them, no one took a step to fight Goliath. So, David decided to take up the challenge. Keep in mind David was not built like a soldier as the scripture tells us. King Solomon tried to give David his armor but it fell off of him, so David decided that he didn't need it.
He put his faith in God above earthy protection, think about that. How many battles have you gone through that you have protected yourself with things of this this world only for them to fall short and leave you stranded? They do not have the power to fully protect you. God offers a protection that is everlasting to everlasting.
Long story short, David goes in to battle with only a sling shot and a prayer. With one shot he hit Goliath square in the head, killing him instantly.
If God brought David through a life or death situation with only a slingshot, do you not believe that God can bring you through your situation with what you have? David was someone that people now would have thought that God could have never used, someone who was stuck in a job that he would never accomplish more than, someone who did not come from a family of wealth, someone who was not popular.
We would have called him unqualified, but God doesn't call the qualified does He?
He qualifies the called.