Did you know that when Jesus was dying on that cross all he was thinking about was you?

I was walking in Walmart with my mom and my sisters. I seen a man checking out his items and what drew my attention was most his groceries but a cross on his chest.. only thing was that it was upside down.
I wanted to go back and tell him if he knows the love of a graceful father.
I wanted to tell him how much he is loved.
I wanted to tell him how he can be saved from hell and damnation .
I wanted to show him how much the Heavenly Father is in love with him .
I wanted to open my Bible and show him John 3v16 to make him understand that undying love.
I wanted to make him aware of a God who will never leave him.
I wanted to share a smile with him so that maybe he would see Jesus through me. I wanted for him to tell me his story so I could show him where Jesus stepped in.
What I did not want to do was bash him because of that upside down cross laying on his chest.
I did not say God could never love you like the way you are right now.
I did not say he was not important
I did not want to ask him how could he do that to himself
I did not choose to stare at him
But I choose to say nothing at all.
I clutched my hand and whispered a prayer for him. Because, yes he deserves to be prayed for, no matter what he looked like or if he had that upside down cross on. God died for those people too. He did not die for an elite group of Christians. I'll tell you who he died for: the Pharisees even though they viewed him as a false prophet, the thieves on the crosses beside of him, the man in the check out line with the upside down cross, the single mom who works three jobs, the man who is sitting in a jail cell right now choosing to read the Bible for the first time, the child on the street, the man shooting up heroine instead of being with his family.
Everyone who I have mentioned and so many more are the reason Christ died. Think about that. He died because of them and because of you. Because he wanted us to have a better life than what we were having, he saved us from a condemnation that no human could ever bear.
Some people ask how could someone love someone so much that they would be beaten, stripped, spat on, kicked, and killed for. I'll give you the answer... Because he loved us, he loves you. A love unconquerable to any earthy thing.
Lay your stones at the door, come an eat at the sinners table with the King.