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I didn't

Writer's picture: Everyday PersisEveryday Persis

My family and I went on a trip a little bit ago. We went to many stores and seen tons of Christmas lights at my sisters request. I loved the trip don't get me wrong but I hated something I didn't do. 

On the way to leave the city, we stopped at McDonald's to get breakfast. Well there was a girl that couldn't have been much older than me that came in to the restaurant as the people in front of us was ordering. It had to have been her first or second day working, she was jittery and scared you could tell. Although the older woman who took the people in front of us' order was I guess the one over the cash registers she looked at us and then looked at the girl and said, "You can get them." As she walked over to us she was fighting with her fingers and had a

nervous stare to her eyes, as does every teenager on the first day at work, myself included. She had brown, long, wavy hair. She was absolutely beautiful. As we walked away from her I told mom that I know she was nervous. If you have ever worked in any type of fast food you know the nervousness I'm talking about. It all happens because you have to make sure that the money is right, to give the right change and the right order to the right person, all factors that contribute to this state of worry quite easily.


We went and sat down in the play area of this McDonald's, again my sisters choice. And I couldn't help but catching myself looking at that cashier I wanted to go tell her, "Your doing great," Problem is... I didn't. I didn't go to her, I smiled at her so she probably thought I was some creep or something. 

The only thought going through my mind was God saying, "Your withholding good from her by not saying what I told you to." 

There is a bible verse that says, Do not withhold good from those whom it is due, when it is your power to do so. -Proverbs 3v27 

I felt like I withheld good from her. But now I'm recognizing it and sharing that with you guys because I want to be real with you and teach you. I prayed every night that she would have an experience with God that she has never had before and that she is surrounded with people that build her us. I also pray that I have another encounter with her cause I have some unspoken words that needs to be unpackaged. 

I hope you guys had a wonderful CHRISTmas! Remember the reason for the season and that he was delivered so that he could deliver us. <3



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