“To whom can I give warning? Who will listen when I speak? Their ears are closed, and they cannot hear. They scorn the word of the Lord. They do not want to listen at all. So now I am filled with the Lord’s furry. Yes, I am tired of holing it in.” Jeremiah 6v10-11
Do you think no one listens when you speak? No one believes you? To my amazement God felt the same way. I knew he felt all we feel but I didn’t believe it, like that whole heart fully, completely enthroned belief, it was like a mouse in the eyes of an elephant. This brings me to the cross. Believe it or not but Jesus felt everything you felt/ feel everyday while he was on the cross:
His head had a crown of thorns upon it --> the metal issues you deal with, all the thoughts of hopelessness and doubting your self-worth or your decisions. The faithlessness you experience when you think too much about things that do not deserve the time you allow them.
His hands had nails drove through them --> all that you’ve touched, all the times people have hit you with their hands, all the physical abuse you have endured.
He bled internally--> when you have been hurt by people who used to love you. All the unseen battles you go throughout the day, the placed no one sees, the places you hide because of fear of what others will think of you.
He bled from his back--> all the times you’ve been turned away from, when people ignore you. How people have stabbed you in the back and betrayed you.
He was struck in the face --> your eyes which seen what they shouldn’t have, your mouth which the most harm full things have come out of, ears because of all the things people say to you.
He bled from his feet--> all the people who walked all over you, took you for granted, places you have been that was not meant for you to be there.
He was stabbed in the side--> for your broken heart, what needs mended
Feeling weighed down? So was Jesus dangling on the cross- specifically for YOU. Everything he went through, he went through to show us, “See look I’ve gone through it all and I would do it all over for you. All I'm asking for is your heart.” He died for us so that we wouldn’t be separated from us. He is the great author engulfed with love for the reader.
You matter, you are important, pick your heard up and keep going because you didn’t come this far just to come this far. When you feel like you are losing faith, pray to the one who puts breath in your lungs. He is waiting for you ready to wrap you up in warm closeness that you have never felt before. But you have to decide to take that first step, take a step of faith, you won’t regret it.