Such a funny word. What does a promise mean to you? Something that can be broken? Something taken lightly? Something that is so serious that your life depends on it? Or nothing?...

A promise means something depended on, something expected to be carried out.
Today I received a purity ring from the wonder world of amazon prime. On the back of the ring it says “TRUE LOVE WAITS – 1 TIMOTHY 4:12” one of my favorite verses, I got this not just because I love the verse. I got it because I have gone through a period of singleness as do many teenage girls, it reminds me that to attract a godly man I have to be a Proverbs 31 woman.
What does it mean to be a Proverbs 31 woman?
Here’s what it means verse by verse…
V10 more precious than rubies
V11 trustworthy, gently enriches her man’s life
V12 brings good to her man
V13 works hard
V16 is very meticulous
V17 energetic and strong
V18 makes profitable deals and has late nights
V19 is busy but speaks with the Lord often
V20 extends her hand to the needy and poor
V21 no fear of the cold
V22 is able to make things with her hands
V24 she is crafty
V25 clothed in dignity and strength and laughs without fear
V26 words are wise and confident with kindness
V27 watches everything and is not lazy
Yes, I understand it is a lot to even comprehend let alone follow. Take it step by step choose one and work on it for a day, week or even month depending on what type of person you are.
Make a promise to yourself to become who you needed when you were younger, be the best version of you. There is a little girl out there somewhere looking up to you thinking I want to be like her. Be able to have them say, “I want a relationship with God like she does.” Give them that opportunity to have that vision of Jesus through you because you may be the only Bible they read in their life.
Trust me love.