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I welcome you.

Writer's picture: Everyday PersisEveryday Persis

After some consideration I have come to the conclusion that we have singled God's love to what we think it should be.


For example, its like saying Jesus only died for the Christians who had everything together... honestly that would be none of us. We are all sinners and have fallen short of the glory of Him.

God's love is not singled to one particular group of people. In the Bible, it says for us to love thy neighbor, it never says thy Christian neighbor, thy rich neighbor, thy poor neighbor, thy Muslim neighbor, it specifically says THY NEIGHBOR. Man has changed the out look of this verse to what they want it to be because it justifies the acts that they preform. Another example is what Jesus said on the mount of the Beatitudes, "Go to every nation..." If I'm not mistaken that does not say go to every christian nation, or every uncultured nation. God did not use specifics for a reason it was not because he didn't want to single someone out it was because with man there comes division, with God comes connection.

My youth pastor once said that on the mission trip he went on he seen kids dancing to music that he didn't know the words but that he could tell they were worshiping Jesus. How did he know you may ask? He didn't have to understand what they were saying to know that Jesus was there. Jesus didn't single his love to the Christian American. Jesus died on the cross for the people you would question whether God even loved them.

"As soon as you draw a line to exclude people, Jesus goes to the other side of that line with them, and invites you to join him there. Every time."~thehappygivers.

In the Bible Jesus was not a man who wore fancy robes or hung out with the scribes and pharisees. He was quite the opposite actually, he was the one who was seen with the fishermen, the lower class people. Now it may not make sense to you why the King of Kings choose that life, but think about it, He placed himself there because he wanted to feel what we felt. You may not have even noticed Jesus if you would have seen him at that time because the people who were waiting on him thought differently about him. God came in this form to prove a point to us.. he proved that your background does not define you. It also does not single you out from the free love that he offers us, no matter what man says. They believed he would look like King Solomon or Kind David.

So when Jesus came in the form of a baby... they resisted the fact that this was the son of God because they looked at his past and seen that Joseph was a carpenter, so they labeled him as the carpenters son. Have you ever been labeled something your not? Something that didn't define you?

If we, as Christians, single people out of Christs love we are showing them the wrong Jesus. You are the only living, breathing example of the Bible that someone may ever read...

what do your want your context to be that they read?


God's love is extend to everyone who will except it not just the people we think deserve it because in reality none of us deserve it. That's why he died for US.

Romans 15v7 - "Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God"



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