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Worship while you wait

Writer's picture: Everyday PersisEveryday Persis



Whenever we are forced to wait for something we seem to loose focus in why we started. We lose sight of the reason we have choosen to wait for something that may or may not ever come.

Why you may ask? Why do we have the crazy idea to wait for something that’s we have never seen? For example Heaven. One of the most asked questions in the world.. Is there a heaven?

In the Bible, it says that it is and I fully believe in it! Although, I do not believe that Heaven is what society depicts it to be. Heaven is pictured in the Bible with streets of gold and houses for every soul who had their name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. I wonder what it would look like. Would it have our picture in it?

This is something that we wait on. Something that is deserving of being waited on. Something that has so much value and love there waiting on us. So, we have to wait on it, God has something amazing planned for all of our lives all we have to do is listen and understand that He is the only one that can save.

God is worth waiting for.💗



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